Considerations: Who’s Leading the Acting Races?
Every Tuesday Tyler Coates publishes his new Filmmaker newsletter, Considerations, devoted to the awards race. To receive it early and in your in-box, subscribe here. This is the most important week of Oscar campaigning, the conclusion to what we collectively refer to as Phase 1: A slew of guilds announce their nominees this week (including the DGA, PGA and SAG, plus sound editors and mixers, art directors and cinematographers), and the Academy opens nominations ballots on Wednesday before closing the voting window on Sunday. (As such, campaign spending pauses from the end of voting until the nominations are announced on […] The post Considerations: Who’s Leading the Acting Races? first appeared on Filmmaker Magazine.
Every Tuesday Tyler Coates publishes his new Filmmaker newsletter, Considerations, devoted to the awards race. To receive it early and in your in-box, subscribe here. This is the most important week of Oscar campaigning, the conclusion to what we collectively refer to as Phase 1: A slew of guilds announce their nominees this week (including the DGA, PGA and SAG, plus sound editors and mixers, art directors and cinematographers), and the Academy opens nominations ballots on Wednesday before closing the voting window on Sunday. (As such, campaign spending pauses from the end of voting until the nominations are announced on […] The post Considerations: Who’s Leading the Acting Races? first appeared on Filmmaker Magazine.
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