Fendi Appoints Stray Kids' Bang Chan As Brand Ambassador
Fendi, celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2025, has announced that Bang Chan of Stray Kids is joining the Fendi family as the newest brand ambassador."I felt an immediate connection to Fendi with its creative and fun spirit, it is my honor to join the Fendi family in its 100th anniversary year, which makes it even more special," said Bang Chan in a statement."This partnership marks an exciting new chapter for both Fendi and Bang Chan, promising innovative projects that will resonate within the realms of music and fashion," Fendi elaborated on the partnership. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Fendi (@fendi)In the duo's first campaign, the K-pop star layers in a white Fendi button-down and striped green tie with a brown and cream knit cardigan on top. He pairs it with an all-black Fendi Baguette Double bag and Spring/Summer 2025 Fendi Force sneakers.Stay tuned to Hypebeast to see what Bang Chan's new role has in store for the future of Fendi.Click here to view full gallery at Hypebeast
Fendi, celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2025, has announced that Bang Chan of Stray Kids is joining the Fendi family as the newest brand ambassador.
"I felt an immediate connection to Fendi with its creative and fun spirit, it is my honor to join the Fendi family in its 100th anniversary year, which makes it even more special," said Bang Chan in a statement.
"This partnership marks an exciting new chapter for both Fendi and Bang Chan, promising innovative projects that will resonate within the realms of music and fashion," Fendi elaborated on the partnership.
In the duo's first campaign, the K-pop star layers in a white Fendi button-down and striped green tie with a brown and cream knit cardigan on top. He pairs it with an all-black Fendi Baguette Double bag and Spring/Summer 2025 Fendi Force sneakers.
Stay tuned to Hypebeast to see what Bang Chan's new role has in store for the future of Fendi.
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