Passengers Are Exploiting A Social Media ‘Hack’ To Snag First-Class Drinks Before They’re Booted Back To Coach
You cannot self-upgrade. If you see an empty first class seat, you can’t just take it. I have never, ever seen it actually work. What I’ve seen is passengers who tried it being embarrassed, and I’ve seen passengers escalate matters when they’re sent to the back and get kicked off the plane. But some are now trying it even though they know they're going to get kicked out - they just want a free drink before that happens! Continue reading Passengers Are Exploiting A Social Media ‘Hack’ To Snag First-Class Drinks Before They’re Booted Back To Coach...
You cannot self-upgrade. If you see an empty first class seat, you can’t just take it. I have never, ever seen it actually work. What I’ve seen is passengers who tried it being embarrassed, and I’ve seen passengers escalate matters when they’re sent to the back and get kicked off the plane. But some are now trying it even though they know they’re going to get kicked out – they just want a free drink before that happens!
Continue reading Passengers Are Exploiting A Social Media ‘Hack’ To Snag First-Class Drinks Before They’re Booted Back To Coach…
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