Surreal Genre-Bender ‘Mr. K,’ Starring Crispin Glover, Acquired in U.S. by Doppelganger (EXCLUSIVE)

Music Box Films’ genre label Doppelgänger Releasing has acquired U.S. distribution rights to “Mr. K,” which premiered at Toronto Film Festival. Tallulah H. Schwab’s offbeat mystery film, which stars Crispin Glover, will have its U.S. premiere at the Santa Barbara Film Festival on Feb. 7. Doppelgänger plans to open the film theatrically later this year […]

Jan 17, 2025 - 20:36
Surreal Genre-Bender ‘Mr. K,’ Starring Crispin Glover, Acquired in U.S. by Doppelganger (EXCLUSIVE)
Music Box Films’ genre label Doppelgänger Releasing has acquired U.S. distribution rights to “Mr. K,” which premiered at Toronto Film Festival. Tallulah H. Schwab’s offbeat mystery film, which stars Crispin Glover, will have its U.S. premiere at the Santa Barbara Film Festival on Feb. 7. Doppelgänger plans to open the film theatrically later this year […]

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